
Re: NEON- 1996 NEC

On 08/06/96 06:02:28 you wrote:

>In a message dated 96-08-05 23:03:07 EDT, you write:
>I can't see any perceptible difference in this method, and all the
>trumpeting of this method mystifies me. To me, it solves nothing, you still
>have the same voltage extremes somewhere in the circuit, just somewhere else
>than you had before -- so what? Am I missing something here?

When the aliens come for you and want to test thier new neon transformers would you want them to use 
	A. Two short wire leads across your wrists to connect two units?
	B. Two long wire leads wrapped around your body to connect two units? 	
It could be that the circuit you have been involved with recently had a or a few loose connections. I have 
found that a  single loose BX connector can ruin an entire wiring job. Please don't think I am trumpeting, I 
merely want to understand. I do feel that when discussing wiring it would be important to note if it was or 
wasn't a MPG circuit. No different than noting the type of secondary insulation of the installation. 
Besides, you can employ an MPG cicuit  in any type of secondary insullation, can't you?

I am still awed by the results of midpoint grounding a circuit. 
Capacitance, (Corona) , seems to be decreased which in turn decreases the production of  ozone, etc...
You can physically feel the differance. Which will it be human, A OR B?

SNIP>I have seen that a properly loaded 1530 provide as much as 48ma in 
>erroneous readings with enough hair on the metal flex to light a 
>unit (or arc thru a stucco facade). The same cicuit, with each home run 
>equal to 25feet(7 to 8 meters?), being midpoint grounded yielded a 
>quiet and touchable by human hands enviorment.SNIP

The piece of post above was an experiment done in shop during the earlier 
discussions of midpoint grounding. (Thanks for the LINK Kenny. Great Job.)


Yield your swords and call out for the beast!
Know the name for the beast is Ignorance...
The blood of the beast, Bliss.
But ponder...Shall ye spill the blood of the 
beast and chance becoming the beast?