
Re: NEON- an easy question

guess was to "send for the terminator".  ha.
> Thanks
> Gary L. Nutting
> Neon Products of Phoenix

Hi Gary,  I would like to give your question a shot.  Maybe I will win
an all expense paid trip to Hawaii.  :->

Could it be mercury migration?  I thought that that may have been the
case until you said it is coming from both ends.  I have seen a case of
mercury in the "Kwik Kopy" window sign.  The 6 foot border around the
9mm red double stroke lettering was totally out (except for about an
inch at one electrode).  I offered to make the tube new for the
customer.  Just for kicks, I put the border on my 15k60ma and the entire
tube came up to full brightness.  Here was an example mercury migration
where the fix was a core and coil transformer.  

I am curious what others will say.

Take it easy...


Reply from dirk.
My goodnes, is Allinson realy installing onto their transformers of 15 kV
a 9- and a 6 kV coil as you described in the above??, as that is the only 
reason to have merc migration in a core and coil transformer at 50 or 60 Hz.
Hey dear friend deric, is this true? Please reply and make not only my day,
but my week and even better make my month together with my year.
Best from dirk a. boonstra