
Re: NEON- Building a loading meter

> Eric getting in two-cents worth again...
> If all USA tx mfrs would stop making, 15KV neon units, so would we.
> However, so far, the general public seems to love them considering
> its our largest-selling model. 
> There may be some good news/bad news coming on the horizon though. 
> From what we've seen over the last couple of years during our work
> with fault protection, it will be more frustrating for people to get
> 15KV units to work.  Too much leakage to ground!  Therefore, many

And I'm still hoping someone can explain how to wire a midpoint 
grounded circuit with one of those secondary GFIs.

> will follow path-of-least-resistance and go to smaller trafos.  It
> may be our unexpected solution.

One thing that puzzles me when I look at transformer prices and 
styles.  Something like the Allanson Uni-tran, of which I often used 
many, seems to be a more economical design yet the ceramic terminal 
style is cheaper.   It's not - when you take into consideration time and 
additional needed material - but the point is per unit, it is.  Is 
this because the 'frankenstein' style is more popular? 

I would think that it could  be possible to produce a smaller version 
meant to house 7.5k and 9k at a price not much over 50% of a 15K. 

Some other time, someone will have to explain why a hanger costs so 


Kenny Greenberg --  Neon - Scenic and Environmental Art  
                    Internet Site Consultant and Author   
KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
         Phone: 718-728-4450  Fax: 718-728-7206  
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