
Re: NEON- more pinhole suckins...

> Anyway, I'm really interested in the electron bombardment theory (or
> is it a known fact?)  Why would electrons emit in such a narrow,
> focused beam? George Doll mentioned that Al Sklar wrote an article
> on pinhole suckins - does anyone know where I can find a copy?
>     -John

By way of George and Al I have one of George Claude's patent 
applications (1,125,476 1/19/15) where he mentions this. 
I'll have some of this up on my site soon.

Claude's research team found that because of the large 
voltage drop that occurs around the electrode, especially if it is not the 
proper size, the electrode "vaporizes" as he put it, and  the neon seems to 
disappear.  They found that the deposits on the glass wall around the 
trode contained large quantities of neon.

The most intriguing part of Claude's description of his process includes 
something I have never seen in practice. A closed tube tee spliced off of the 
path to the pump is filled with wood or cocoanut charcoal. This 
receptacle is immersed in liquid air and is used to assist keeping 
impurities from re-entering the unit.  


Kenny Greenberg --  Neon - Scenic and Environmental Art  
                    Internet Site Consultant and Author   
KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
         Phone: 718-728-4450  Fax: 718-728-7206  
http://www.neonshop.com  -  The Internet's Neon Shop
http://www.licweb.com  - The Long Island City Web