
Re: NEON- more on ovens

        Dirk, thanks a *lot* for providing this excellent explanation!
Another question (there's always another question... 8^)=  ):  What
are the typical heating ramps you use for lead glass units?  You 
mentioned getting to 200C more slowly then the rest of the operation,
which makes sense, but how many degrees/minute on this ramp versus
the ramp you use above 200C?

Reply from dirk.
Dear Al,
Read my former mail, and you will see that there is only a tiny
difference between the lead and the sodalime. Deduct every time
10 degrees C and that must can do the job. I must tell you that
I have not so much experience with the Lead (nolead) tubing but
reading the technical data the difference can only be a tiny bit.
When we used in the passed the German handdrawn coloured tubing
we always deducted 10C from the total end temperature and that was
enough, but try to go as high in temperature as possible.
BTW what's the deal. You can experience on that and you will see
that my numbers will be a good (very close) starting point.
When you do a test and the tubing looks different after baking,
then I think your temperature was to high.
All the best Al, wished to you from
dirk a. boonstra