
Re: NEON- Neon Coils

On 09/03/80 21:09:55 you wrote:
>> Do it Free Hand...No Mandrel.
>> Peace
>As one of the not-so-full time benders this is a technique
>that I have tried recently (trying to make spirals) with
>only marginal success and lots of waste glass.
>Any hints?

Yeah, lots of waste glass...thats all part of it, isn't it? What I do is similar to Kenny's description. I make 3 
or 5 pieces at a time. One will always come out better, but this number of pieces alows the others to cool 
and keeps the anxiety level down. I bend one turn of the coil at a time. The result is a stack of unfinished 
letter "o's".A spiral or spring. What is important for me is keeping one handle parrallel with the ribbon 
flame and no blowhose.  In Dirk's description of his known methods he forgets to mention that students 
must complete a coil freehand first. At least this was the rule when I was playing the game over there. 