
Re: NEON- Neon Coils

> > 
> > Do it Free Hand...No Mandrel.
> > PeaceAs one of the not-so-full time benders this is a technique
> that I have tried recently (trying to make spirals) with
> only marginal success and lots of waste glass.
> Any hints?


A decent mandrell can be made from heavy cardboard tubing wrapped with 
transbestos.  You can even mark the pattern on it. The disadvantage 
is that you can't place this mandrel over an annealing flame  I also prefer 
free hand since you can look at it from every angle easily.

Start with a right angle bend leaving about 6 inches for your handle.  
Then using a ribbon flame roughly the size of one diameter of your 
coil heat the longer part of the tubing turning it radially in the 
flame the way you normally would.  Now the tricky/fun part: With the 
small 'handle' pointed toward yourself. gently twist so that it is an 
'axle' for the larger 'wheel' you are making.

It takes practice.  When you get _real_ good, you can continuously feed 
the long tube and just keep winding - something I have not been able 
to do btw - but which I've seen done by at least two people.  

Hope this is clear.  


Kenny Greenberg --  Neon - Scenic and Environmental Art  
                    Internet Site Consultant and Author   
KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
         Phone: 718-728-4450  Fax: 718-728-7206  
http://www.neonshop.com  -  The Internet's Neon Shop
http://www.licweb.com  - The Long Island City Web
