
Re: NEON-SGFP and Code process

Dear Tired aka Eric:
I think the major flaw in ground fault protection is one I mentioned earlier:

What do do after the ground fault trips?
The customer quickly gets sick and tired of his sign going out "for nothing"
 during the dinner rush, and he can't crawl up there and push that darned red
button each time. Okay, the thing trips for some temporary fault which is not
actually a safety failure, just a temporary surge or a weakness. a false
Then what?
Most customers call after only a few times and tell you to get out here quick
and figure out how to disable this damned thing, and you'd better do it.
It's going to be like the smog features that were put on cars years ago that
cut down on mileage, and people were paying bootleg mechanics to take the
thing away after passing the test.
This thing needs more thinking.
Jeff Golin
