
Re: NEON- Re: Association Lite

In a message dated 96-11-02 13:09:51 EST, you write:

 <But the sign business is not the neon business.  Take your average trade
 show.  If you're strickly neon you feel like an alien there.  Most signs
 are not neon.>
At trade shows I see Allanson, Bertonee, EGL, Technolux, transco, voltarc and
more.  If this isn't the neon trade, what is?  Walking thru a mall it's hard
to find an electric sign w/o neon.   
 <I've also seen some hostility towards neon from (some) electric sign
 folks. Spoken to more than a few that downright HATE it.>  
So what.  Pick a job, any job and you will find people who do that job and
hate it.
 I would piss off a lot of sign cos. if I stopped making neon.  For some it's
a necessary evil.
 < I believe ISA is proposing standards for bombing and processing
 - is this what you had in mind?>
 I wasn't aware of this.  Are they consulting with anyone on this list?  They
should be.  And if they're not interested in promoting the neon trade why are
they setting standards.  I think they're very interested.
Tom W.
