
NEON- Re: oxygen, 12-volt;

>I find this the biggest advantage of adding oxygen.  I've added small
>amounts to both a cannon fire and a BMT-7 ("splicing") fire.  With such,
>the flame is quieter, smoother, hotter, and there's significantly less
>"splash" -- I can have my fingers almost 1" away without getting burned.
>Very nice indeed.
>But it's too costly for me with the above burners.

zus, zee footpedal. Oxygen only when you need it. I'm a heavy-on-the-oxygen
kind of guy, and even in peak glass-production madness a single cylinder
($20-ish in Hawaii) lasts me for 2-3 weeks. 

>The unit is about 2.5" x 1.5" and is dipped in blue rubber.  It has one
>lead coming out of one end which is roughly the size of standard GTO.  The
>other end has three leads the same length; small wire, one red, two black.
>On this same end there are two very short, thin black leads.

big lead + one black (either one, doesn't matter) go to neon; 12-volts input
on red (hot) and other black.

- Ted