
Re: NEON- red turn blue...2 color tubes

>>>List, I know this was disccussed previously, because i have looked it up on
the archives, but I could not make anything from the letters, because of missing
info. Is there a way that i can make a red blue transformer, and what is the
ratio of the tube , pumping presure, how much merc... ? Does it not deal with
the frequency of the tranformers output, and if so can I control this via a 555
or some other device?  Thanks, Matt Dilling<<<


A 555 works fine.  For blue, drive your output transistor with a 3.3 usec pulse
at a 55 usec rep rate (18 khz); for red use a 45 usec pulse at a 630 usec rep
rate (1.6 khz).  As far as merc and pressure - unknown - but start with standard
and experiment from there.


Telford Dorr