
Re: NEON- Re: Hg on solid state

In general, I've had very good experience with electronics.  I got this
>Bertonee by mistake, when my distributor sent it instead of a Neonix
>6000.  My fatal words:  "Ah, don't worry about it."  I've used Neonix,
>TFT, and Allanson SS's on many signs with no Hg migration problems.
>  -JOhn
Strange. We have had no problems with useing bertonee's, but whenever we use
neonix, it migrates. (we have had about three cases lately). But, as I
pointed out earlier, I also think this is because we use neonix 9000 20ma,
and it seems to me the larger the SS transfo, the more likely it is to
migrate. Perhaps Marcus or dirk could give us a more in depth explination of
My guess is that even if a smaller SS transformer is a "migrator" that the
pull of the merucry would be a lot slower, and therefore, take a lot longer. 
