We have restored and built replicas for hundreds of neon signs and neon art objects.
We work with major museum conservation departments.
Please contact us for your next project.
Milkflower in Astoria, New York was based on a photo of a rusted, beat up liquor sign. We were pleased that Forgotten New York posted a photo of what they thought was a vintage sign.
This sculpture by Billy Apple from the 1970s was quite a challenge to disassemble and then rebuild its broken sections.
Keith Sonnier's Neon Wrapping Neon with Six Loops (1969) needed to perfectly reproduce what had been a free-form work without any template. It is very difficult to make an exact fit and at the same time emulate the free nature flow of the glass.
Antique Hotpoint sign (late 1950s) restoration.
Reviving the intensity on a Mario Merz work at MoMA.
This 15% scale version of the famous huge New York Pepsi sign was for a special Superbowl event.