
Re: more air reg

At 12:47 PM 3/23/1996 -6000, JD Schueler wrote:
>Great .gif, Al!  Now I guess I'll have to break down and see if I can do an
>illustration or two.  If I'd had _Neon News_ in hand several months ago or
>now Al's illustration, building an air regulator would have been much less
>of a struggle.  But since I went through the struggle anyway, I'll see if I
>can do a .gif and post it.  My regulator is a variation of Telford's
>"internal" theme using 1.25" PVC with a couple of slots and an internal
>piston which rises under pressure to progressively uncover slots on the

        Thanks, JD.  Yours came out really well too!  It makes more sense
to me now that I see a picture.  It prompted a couple questions in my

- Approximately how heavy is the plug?  In my situation the outer tube
  is somewhere around 4 lbs or so.  I suspect your plug can be lighter
  than this?

- You mentioned not needing a surge tank.  I don't either, but in addition
  to the regulator I've got around 10 feet of 2 inch PCV to get from the
  blower to my air manifold (this length is needed to get from my attic down
  to my shop area).  So, there's a pretty good volume in there to act
  as a surge buffer.  I was just wondering what the diameter of the air
  feed is between your blower and your air manifold, and how long it is.
  You might, in effect, have a 'surge tank' there, as I do.

        Thanks for doing your GIF!

| My aunt said spaceship guard was a good career         | Al Hooton          |
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