
Re: Bending Machine

At 07:56 AM 3/17/1996 -0500, EclectiKat@aol.com wrote:
>Customer: Why, I can get an OPEN sign for $99 at Costco!
>        Neon person: Sure, and here are some pictures of what it might
>                look like in 18 months.  If that's all the longer you
>                want your sign to last, go for it.  However, if you
>                want a (insert number here) year warranty, and
>                someplace to get it fixed if you break it, let's
>                talk.
>Customer: Gee, I have no idea whether my business will even survive the first
>week, let alone the first month. A year and a half is an eternity to me. I
>just hope I can open my doors today. Costco, here I come!
>Jeff Golin

        Jeff, I agree this can be a problem for new business owners that
are customers.  But what percentage of customers (or prospective
customers) are *new* business owners?  Is it not possible in your
area to get a good amount of repeat business, business with customers
that have been burned by shoddy work from other neon shops, business
with customers that are expanding, etc...?

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