
Re: Natural gas

>try it! As for safety? I have never blown my self up this way although I
>heard a story of an Italian bender who blew up his manifold using this
>technique. Mix natural gas with air and all bets are off.

Which means if you at all suspect the problem that's causing you to flush in
the first place is a leak, then don't.  Alas just one of many exciting
methods for blowing up a manifold.  I know of at least one  shop that
flashed back via the aspirator heating coil which was against the glass - I
guess this was his vote _for_ a grounding electrode on the manifold.

Hey Dave, nice to have you in the group. 


Kenny Greenberg   Neon Artist, Scenic Specialist, Columnist - Internet World
c/o KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
      Ph: 718-728-4450   Fx: 718-728-7206  Email: kenny@neonshop.com
      http://www.neonshop.com    gopher://gopher.panix.com:70/11/nyart