
Re: Under-car Neon

>Since we seem to consider legality an important issue on this list, has anyone
>looked into the legal a

                       accident on, it sounds like enough of a lawsuit that I
>stayed far, far, away from that market for what it was worth to compete with
>Taiwan. Just my tired-ass old-fashioned real-world .02 worth. BTW, if you
>don't own ANYTHING or have a LOT of insurance, who cares! Go for it!
>  E-mail from: Tom Biebel, 29-Mar-1996
        I have a lot of insurance and decided it wasn't worth the effort 2
years ago when I received an ad for license plate holders from Taiwan for
$14.95 each in 10,000 unit lots. Couldn't even get a transformer for that
price then.  Also in off-road use there is a greater chance of a rollover
and if you run with 1 transformer, a greater chance of fire running high
voltage wires across the bottom of the car, and with seperate transformers
(4) the price gets too high to make any money on it.
        Also my daughter works for a personal injury attorney,  people will
and do sue for anything and everything.  

        It seems that legal issues would be a good topic to explore from
employee handbooks to taking employment appl. to libility of product, other
then the obvious of having a good attorney.
