
Re: Diffusion confusion (was Re: JEOL Vacuum pumps)

>        NOW for the dumb question: I can't figure out which side is
>the intake (to be hooked to the manifold) and which the exhaust (to be
>hooked to the mechanical pump).  I understand how diffusion pumps work,
>but I can't take this one apart far enough to see where the jets are.
>I'm guessing they're in the taller of the two 'stacks' on top of the
>diffusion pump, thus that's the intake side.  Who knows the answer
>to this for sure?

Al,  the "intake" on the VMF 10 is the larger, taller stack.  This will
connect to your manifold.  The smaller stack will connect to your backing

>        Also, I need to soak this will solvent to make sure it's
>clean before I fill it with new oil -- any suggestions?

Unfortunately, the really good solvents for cleaning metal diffusion pumps
are getting hard to obtain.  Freon TF was good when you could get it.
Trichloroethylene has been recommended to me recently, but it too is
getting hard to get since it's classified as an ozone-depleter.  The
substitute, trichloroethane may work, but I've never used it.

Call a current manufacturer of metal dif. pumps (like Varian or Edwards)
and ask what they recommend as a cleaning solvent.
