
Re: mercury amounts & repairs

>Kenny, are you gonna draw that in ascii for us? How about an avi
>on your web site? :-)

What's this? Anti-homebrew mercury injector sentiment??  (joking, I'm joking)

Really, it needs an AVI - it's a lot easier than describing it.

Okay, I just switched over to Terminal Font.  Let's give it a try...

              ____        ______|  |     /\   
  <|||   --<||____||||||||______|  |     ||                                  
     |__|     \/ 
    cap   taper    hose    bulb
          & collar                    up/down  

   Mercury injeector bulb - goes with previous text description...

>My version, somewhat similar is two short 7mm tubes - one is blown on one 
>end to a 1/2" bulb which is a Hg reservoir. The other is drawn to a fairly 
>long taper with a rather tiny hole.  An inch or so of blowhose tubing is 
>between the 7mm ends. A small piece of blowhose slips over the taper and is 
>pushed down toward the middle some to form a collar.  I use a stopper made 
>of  blowhose capped on one end with glass rod (or a tipped off piece of 
>With the bulb (reservoir) angled downward (the assembly can bend in the 
>middle) the tapered end fits into the tubulation where you intend to place 
>the merc. Tipping the bulb upward, I control the amount of merc that 
>accumulates at but does not spill from the tip until a squueze on the 
>blowhose in the middle pushes it.
>Pull it out and tip the excess merc back into the reservoir and  then return 
>and push the tip in a bit more so that the rubber collar is now against the 
>tubulation and with the merc returned to the reservoir (by tipping it back 
>downward) you can squeeze again to push the merc to the trap.
>My tubulation to the  trap always has a bit of an incline (down toward the 

I find a syringe and/or applicator bottle difficult to control. I gave up 
pretty quickly on these after squirting enough merc to fill the whole trap. 
What's your trick?


Kenny Greenberg   Neon Artist, Scenic Specialist, Columnist - Internet World
c/o KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
      Ph: 718-728-4450   Fx: 718-728-7206  Email: kenny@neonshop.com
      http://www.neonshop.com    http://www.licweb.com

