
Re: Grounding Schemes

Hey Eddie,

Welcome to the group! You never called me for BWACS. Thanks! :-) 
And the NYEC is full of all kinds of great stuff... 

Kenny Greenberg

>It works well BUT please use it only use it on stage (also -The NEC is Not
>used in New York City so this is not OK here)
>Eddie Kramer    IATSE #1        Electrician     Radio City Music Hall
Kenny Greenberg   Neon Artist, Scenic Specialist, Columnist - Internet World
c/o KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
      Ph: 718-728-4450   Fx: 718-728-7206  Email: kenny@neonshop.com
      http://www.neonshop.com  -  The Internet's Neon Shop
      http://www.licweb.com  - The Long Island City Web
